Ageless Advanced
When you’ve reached this level you probably don’t need us to tell you you’re Advanced. Being Advanced means you’ve reached the pinnacle of human performance. You can be explosive or fast or strong and usually all three. Only a handful of members ever reach this level and even for many advanced athletes it will be a lifelong goal.
Advanced means that you can not just be your own trainer but also could share it with others (if you so desire). You have honed your body and your mind to such a degree that you can go from martial arts to gymnastics to powerlifting without skipping a beat.

Testing Standards
To Pass Advanced you must be able to perform:
- Pistol 15 reps each leg
- One Arm Push Up 15 reps each arm
- L Pull Up 15 reps
- Backbend Push Up 15 reps
- Straddle Press to Handstand Push Up