Ageless Intermediate

If one word sums up Intermediate its Athlete. That’s what people will call you and many will dismiss you as a lifelong athlete when you scale Ageless Intermediate.

Now that you’ve addressed your imbalances and learned correct foundational movements Intermediate is where we put things on Turbo. Here is where you will train explosivity and strength all while addressing the inevitable imbalances that such training creates.

This is where all other programs fail and where Ageless shines. We believe explosiveness and strength must be earned and that this pursuit must be trained properly and in waves.

We’re not going to lie Intermediate is going to be hard. Some may spend their whole life chasing it but it IS achievable by everyone. At the end you will be an athlete with the looks and most importantly the skills to prove it.

Testing Standards

To Pass Intermediate you must be able to perform:

- Knee Tap Squat 10 reps each leg

- Hindu Push Up 30 reps

- V Pull Up 10 reps

- Wall Handstand 45 seconds

- Box Backbend 45 seconds

- 2 minute Burpee 50 reps